Dear green Friends,
A highest level Russian delegation lead by the Prime-Minister Putin himself is expected this coming Saturday here in Bulgaria. The main goal is to bring forward the negotiations on some of the biggest and strategically important Russian energy projects like Belene nuclear plant and the oil and natural gas pipelines like Burgas-Alexandroupoli and South Stream.
Zelenite are organizing our already traditional “warm welcome” street protests this very Saturday on the biggest central square of Sofia – The Eagle Bridge, where the delegation will pass through *). We will be joined by several non-governmental organizations and hopefully by many of our followers. The main focus of our discontent is:
1. The grand energy projects – both environmentally and economically harmful and unsustainable, including our ever growing dependence on Russian energy supplies, and
2. The pity state of the democracy and freedom of speech in Russia and our solidarity with everyone who disagrees with the ever stronger and brutal police state imposed upon Russian citizens.
Zelenite will appreciate your support – either if you decide to join us in the streets of Sofia or decide to make local protests in front of Bulgarian and Russian diplomatic missions in your countries, write about these events in the media or express your discontent to the Bulgarian and Russian governments. We will warmly welcome other more creative ideas.
Best wishes,
Georg Tuparev,
Zelenite/The Greens, Bulgaria
Mobile: +31-6-55798196
Contact persons:
Kristina Dimitrova mobile +359 887 96 58 69
Borislav Sandov mobile +359 887 096 757
*) The exact timing of Putin’s arrival is kept secret, so we will make an all-day protest, just to make it sure everyone knows what we think of all this political insanity.